EPI Study in Australia

The Programme

How It Works

The diagram below provides a quick overview of the process

Year One

Step Activity What actually happens
Initial inquiry & enrolment deposit
This is a small deposit to cover the cost of the enrolment and placement process. Upon successful enrolment, the deposit would be offset against the overall fee.
Enrolment Preparation
This step consists of the following elements: English language placement test. This assessment is needed to ascertain the prospective student’s level of English proficiency against the requirements of academic study within the Australian Education system. Career Fit Assessment. A career fit assessment is intended to provide information to the prospective student and their parents regarding the things that the prospective student might need in her/his career for it to be satisfying. Note that this assessment is intended as a source of additional information to students and their families to help the decision process around degree selection. EPI does not use this data in any of its decision making. Life & Work Experience summary. EPI will provide the prospective student with a template that they might like to use to support their application to their universities of choice. Degree Selection. Here students will select the appropriate degree for their career choice. University Selection. Here students will select up to three (3) universities from the list of available EPI universities. If a student’s preferred university is not already an existing EPI university, EPI will approach that university on behalf of the student. University Liaison. EPI will liaise closely with selected universities on behalf of the student in an effort to strengthen their enrolment application.
Once an agreement has been reached with one of the three (3) universities for a place as a Year 2 student, an offer will be made to the student. It is important to note that any offer regarding Year 2 placement will be between a university and the student. Furthermore, the offer will most certainly require that the student complete the EPI Year 1 programme successfully.
Acceptance of the offer and payment of fee
We understand that each family is different and so have a range of options regarding payment.
Completion of the EPI Programme
Detailed information is provided on the following pages. In summary though, the programme consists of four (4) Terms and each Term runs for ten (10) weeks.

Year Two

Step Activity What actually happens
Be greeted in Australia
We understand that as exciting as it will no doubt be to jump on the plane to Australia, there will be some nerves. So; to help settle some of those nerves, an EPI staff member will meet the student at the airport in Australia and transport them to their university accommodation. In most cases, that person will be able to communicate in the first language of the student.
Additional support will be offered to the student as the settle into their new Australian life. This support is provided through the use of the EPI App and may also include assistance from the in-country EPI representative. While settling in, there still may be a few things that confuse you and sometimes this is a quick and easy solution that someone with local knowledge can assist you. This support is provided to help you become independent and confident as quickly as possible.

All qualifications are delivered as a mix of online/offline activities and are inclusive of the following delivery strategies:

  • Weekly tutorial sessions
  • Monthly webinars / lectures
  • Face2face individual and group coaching sessions
  • Forums 
  • Chat sessions – online and offline (face2face)
  • Locally based academic coaches and tutors that are available for face2face support

These activities are undertaken with Australian Educators and contextualised to the Australian work environment to familiarise the student with Australian legislation, standards, resources and work practices as well as workplace language and culture. Assessment activities include a combination of knowledge, practical skills and performance based activities against Australian standards, workplace practices and using Australian English.

Useful Information

Some useful information regarding study periods and overall duration of the programme is provided below:

Admission Requirements

The following information is provided regarding admission requirements:

  • Australian Senior Secondary Certificate (e.g. VCE) or
  • an Australian or overseas equivalent (high-school graduation) or
  • an International Baccalaureate (IB).
  • English language competence

Your child will not need an ATAR score to meet the admission requirements for this course, only the successful completion of their secondary school studies, and any additional prerequisites. Our courses and support programs are designed to prepare students from diverse cultures for success, regardless of their prior experience, ATAR, age, socioeconomic or educational background.


The EPI website provides information regarding access to Australia, changes to visa law and access to specialists that can assist with every aspect of obtaining a visa for Australia.  

Our specialists are also able to advise on the impact of the latest changes to immigration law including but not limited to working in Australia while you are there.


Not surprisingly, we get many questions about assessment.  Hopefully the following information will answer any questions you might have.

Firstly, we use two (2) different types of assessment in our programme:

  • Progress Tests (Formative) – throughout each term to confirm you are on track
  • End-of-Term Tests (Summative) – end of each term to confirm competence in each subject


Under the Australian Qualifications Frameworks (AQF) grades are either Competent or Not Yet Competent (NYC).  Competent could also be referred to as pass and NYC as fail.

What if I get a NYC?

The AQF allows for retesting and/or completion of missing items so that a student can achieve competency.  

EPI will work closely with students to help them achieve competency by using in-country coaches & subject matter experts.


The entire programme consist of four (4) terms with each term consisting of ten (10) weeks.

Subjects in a study term

Two (2) academics subjects, English language and EPI specific topics to help prepare you for your time in Australia.

Note that the four Pillars mentioned above are interlaced.

Hours of study

If we look at a typical month, hours of study, online and study might look like this:

  • contact hours – 21 hours
  • self-study – 24 hours 
  • online – 15 hours
  • offline 16 hours
  • assessment 3 hours

Please note that the above information is provided as a guide only.  We will work with students to help them build a study plan that best fits their needs.

The Benefits

July 23, 2021