Parents guide to students experiences in Australia
Photo by Patricia Prudente
Australian law and students of different ages In Australian culture, when a young person reaches the age of 18, they are legally considered an adult and they are generally considered able to take responsibility for all matters relating to their lives, their study and their well-being.
The Australian Government recognises that this is not the case in all cultures and that the international students who come to study here vary greatly in the experiences they have had in caring for their own welfare.
The legislation governing those who provide education to overseas students, the Education Services to Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS), requires by law that all overseas students are provided with a minimum level of support to assist their welfare and study experience in Australia.
There is a requirement that all students receive a minimum of information such as:
before they leave home often called Pre-Departure (from the home country), or Pre-Arrival (in Australia) material
support upon arrival usually in the form of airport pick-up and transfer to accommodation (if requested by the student)
support from the education provider in the form of orientation to the buildings, services available at the institution, life in Australia and the study they will undertake, and the ability to find on-going support and advice throughout their studies.